Quai D'orsay No. 50 - Light
Quai D'orsay No. 50 - Light
This elegant, light-bodied cigar offers a different experience that might appeal to those seeking a lighter and more subtle smoking experience.
The Quai D'Orsay No.50, a Cuban cigar with a heritage dating back to 1973, was meticulously crafted with the French palate in mind. This exquisite creation was intended to complement French delicacies such as champagne and foie gras. Renowned for its gentle yet flavourful profile, this cigar derives its distinct character from the finest tobacco sourced from the prestigious Vuelta Abajo region.
The wrappers stand out notably with their Claro (light brown) and Colorado Claro (mid-brown) hues. This cigar will delight your senses with flavour notes of precious woods and honey, accompanied by hints of vanilla and hazelnut, entwined with delicate floral undertones and a pleasing finish of earthy notes .
FLAVOUR: Light Flavour
LENGTH: 4 ⅜ Inches / 110mm